Holy Rollers Online - Shrines That Go Vrooom Vrooom

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Holy Rollers Online - Shrines That Go Vrooom Vrooom



 Holy Rollers - Shrines That Go Vrooom Vrooom

Student Level : All levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

Description of workshop:

Get ready to go for a wild ride.  Get out all those Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars because we are going to supe those suckers up with all sorts of found objects…and transform them into something shriney. That’s right…shrines that can put the pedal to the metal.  We’ll be using a variety of assemblage techniques to transform everyday toy vehicles using discarded bits and a few other ingredients. Get ready to rev those art-making engines…we are about to embark on a truly moving Online Workshop. ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GOOOOOOOO!!!

The Big Race - At the end of the workshop I’ll be racing a bunch of my Holy Rollers on 16 magnificent feet of bright orange Hot Wheels track.

BONUS!!!! - If you’re enrolled in the class you can join the Holy Roller Facebook Group where you’ll be able to meet other attendees, share your work and be eligible to win one of my Holy Rollers.

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Other Questions You Might Have:

  • How much does it cost? $99.00.

  • How long can I access the videos? Forever and ever. You will have to ability to download the videos right to your computer.

  • How does it differ from a live class? There isn't the one-on-one component and the possibility for immediate feedback that you have in a live class, but you have the advantage of being able to get into much more in-depth explanations of technique. Also, the advantage of being to replay any section that you need a refresher on.

  • Will there be video? Yes. There will be roughly about 240 minutes of protected video that only students will be able to access.

  • How many videos will there be? I'm expecting there to be about about 15 chapters with 2 - 3 videos each chapter.

  • Is the class segmented or do I get everything at once? I have designed the class so you will have access the information at once and can play with it as you like, at your own speed.

  • Is there anyway to connect and share with other students enrolled? Click here to join the Holy Rollers FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HOLYROLLERSONLINE/

  • What kind of site is being used to host this class? I am using a protected website as well as a protected video host.

  • How will I access the website? When class begins I will send out passwords to all the students.

  • Is this for Beginners or Advanced students? It's for everyone. I've made it so it is information that can be used by all levels.

  • Will it be entertaining? Geez, I hope so. I have done my best to make it very un-dry and fun.

  • What will happen after I sign up? I will send out the secret codes and links to get you rolling.

  • What will I need to be able to watch the videos? If you can read this the information on this website and have the ability to watch videos on vimeo.com then you've got everything you need to be able to watch the videos.

Supply List

  • Aves Apoxie Clay ¼ lbs or more (contact www.avesstudio.com if you have any problem locating this product. They sell direct or will tell you about local suppliers). If you buy from them they will give you a 10% discount if you type "demeng" in the special code section.

  • Hot Wheels, Match Boxes or other toy cars.

  • HotWheels track if you want to race them.

  • Variety of other found objects that might be interesting additions. Items like watch parts, gears, typewriter parts….just about anything, really. Look for things that are interesting shapes or designs.

  • Tiny people. For example: train set characters, jewelry cameos, charms or milagros will work.

  • Paint Brushes (a couple small detail brushes, and some cheap brushes (1/2 inch to 1 inch in size)

  • Paints: Acrylic (Golden brand -preferably fluids – the tubes and jars will work too, the colors are the key)

    1. Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold,

    2. TitaniumWhite,

    3. Carbon or Mars Black,

    4. Van Dyke Brown

    5. Pthalo Blue

    6. Diox Purple

    7. Quin Crimson

    8. Pthalo Green

    9. Iridescent Pearl

  • Adhesives

    1. E6000

    2. OPTIONAL; ZapGlue, Bob Smith, or Krazy Glue - with optional accelerant.

    3. Non-toxic option - WeldBond

  • 12. Tools that will make your life easier

    1. Heat gun

    2. Dremel with cut off wheel and sanding drum